Tips For Surviving Kidnapping

Tips For Surviving Kidnapping

In the unusual event that you are abducted despite all of the cautious steps you have taken, you should focus on surviving the ordeal.

Sustaining Yourself in the Hands of Kidnappers

When you’re being held hostage by kidnappers, here are some important things to keep in mind.

Assure yourself that you will make it back to the other side unscathed by taking a big breath. Remember that the initial few minutes of kidnapping or abduction are the most dangerous and threatening. Afraid for their own safety, the kidnappers are as well. They might be arrested and prosecuted if they don’t do their part. Because of this, they are on edge and might shoot you if you make a suspect move.

Once an attempt at avoiding the situation has failed, the most crucial alternative is to work with the kidnappers to avert a potentially dangerous situation.

Avoid establishing eye contact with the kidnappers, but if you get the chance, attempt to recall their description so that you don’t put yourself in danger.

In the event that your kidnappers do not have you wearing a blindfold, make a mental note of any landmarks near where you are being led if you are not blindfolded.

Avoid arguing with the kidnappers and follow their directions to the letter.

Avoid acting or behaving in a way that might enrage the kidnappers.

Make a mental note of things like their names, accents, and slangs so that the police may use this information in their inquiry when you are freed.

If you whine too much, they may become weary of you and decide to murder you.

Keep your health in mind. ” It may be tough to receive medical treatment if you experience a bodily injury. As a result, you have no idea when you will be rescued or liberated.

Begin to earn the kidnappers’ trust over time. Make an effort to engage in mind games, particularly with those you deem less hardened. For example, even if you’re pretending to be sympathetic to the kidnappers, show it. Say you understand and blame someone else if they say, for example, that they were pushed to kidnapping because of unemployment. You can try to make them feel sorry for you or put yourself in the shoes of any of their relatives to get them to empathize with you.

During a police rescue operation, lay on the ground to avoid being shot by a stray bullet. As soon as it’s safe to do so, identify yourself to the rescuers.

Only plan your escape if it is completely safe. This should be your final option, and remember that there is no risk-free escape strategy.

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Tips On How To Prevent Kidnapping

Crimes such as abduction and detention in exchange for ransom or other inducements before the victim is freed, sometimes known as “kidnapping,” have increased in recent years and should be taken seriously. The crime of kidnapping is a severe one. A capital offense in various states of the Federation, abduction is now punished by death as a result. While the Police and other key stakeholders are doing everything they can to stop it, is sharing some advice on how to prevent getting kidnapped as well as how to live if you are unlucky enough to be abducted. There are a number of ways to keep yourself safe from kidnappers, including following these guidelines:

Take a different route wherever possible while you’re working out, driving, or taking children to school. In order to hunt you down, criminals may rely on your daily habits to find a moment when you are least susceptible.

*Don’t take rides from strangers, since if they turn out to be kidnappers, you’ll be at their mercy.

  • Never leave home without telling someone where you are and where you are going. In the event of an emergency, be sure to include the person’s name and contact information.

Be wary of anyone who offers you food or drink that you don’t know the origin of. You might be kidnapped and robbed if you aren’t careful.

The youngsters should be taught that they should not take presents from strangers. We must, however, use extreme caution in order to avoid causing our children to become paranoid.

To avoid drawing attention to oneself, avoid public donations, flamboyant appearances, or irresponsible money-spraying at gatherings, such as at parties. You should keep in mind that even when musicians and praise-singers are praising you to the sky, they may unintentionally draw unwanted attention to you.

Keep an eye out for strangers, especially if they’re lurking in the shadows or lurking around your neighborhood. Even though Evans resided on a luxurious Lagos estate for years, no one living there was aware that he was the “most wanted kidnapper in Nigeria” until police caught up with him and brought him into custody.

  • Identify nearby police stations, barracks, and other security zones in the event of an emergency.

The Control Room numbers of key security agencies, especially those located closest to you, should be readily available for use in case of an emergency.

*Make sure your house is safe. You might accomplish this by:

The best way to feel safe while you are alone in the house is to make yourself feel like you have someone around you.

–Activating any available home security measures, such as an alarm system or closed-circuit television (CCTV).

When it’s dark out, make sure your house is well-lit.

Even at night or when you’re alone, it’s a good idea to make sure your doors are secured and shut.

Prior to hiring your domestic help, such as nannies, chefs or gardeners, you should do a background check on them thoroughly. *

Keep an eye on their lifestyle, the people they associate with, and where they are at all times.

Some school bus drivers have been known to collaborate with criminals in order to aid the kidnapping of innocent children, hence they must be closely watched.

Treat your employees with the utmost respect and decency. That’s essential for gaining the trust of the people you’re working with, as well as reducing the risk of criminals using them to attack you.

  • Be cautious when using social media, especially if you’re a novice. Your privacy is at risk if you upload personal information or images online.
  • All of your financial dealings

In other words, where you are at this very now.

A picture of your family or other personal information that would make you an easy target for criminals.

Use all means at your disposal to draw the attention of those around you to a potential danger if it is safe to do so, including yelling or fleeing.

Stay on your toes and keep an eye out. Make sure your phone is charged and available in case you need to make an emergency call.

Drive cautiously, especially at night or on a risky route or if you fear that kidnappers are following you. Don’t be afraid to drive even though you’ve got a flat tyre. Rather than being kidnapped, it’s preferable to lose your car’s steering wheel.

It’s better to have a large group than none at all! As a rule of thumb, you should always work out alongside people in order to get the most out of your workouts. When you’re in a group, you’re less likely to be assaulted than when you’re alone.

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General Security Tips for Homeowners

Close and lock garage doors and windows at all times.
Keep an eye out for odd activity. If you spot a stranger lurking in a neighbor’s yard, confirm their identification with your neighbor over the phone or call Taylor Police.
Be cautious while admitting strangers. Before opening the door, the identification of a salesman, public utility staff, and maintenance personnel must be checked.

Keep precious goods away from windows with open draperies.

Empty your mailbox or have it emptied for you.

Get to know your neighbors so you can keep an eye on each other’s houses.

Homeowners will be safer if they keep their properties from seeming to be easy targets. Use the following suggestions to make your house and property more secure:

If visibility of callers is difficult, install a wide-angle door viewer. It is too dangerous to open the door partially using a door chain.

When moving into a new apartment or a previously owned property, replace the locks.

Keep spare keys in a secure location; never leave a key outside.

Maintain a well-maintained and inhabited house by keeping the lawn trimmed, leaves raked, snow shoveled, and so on.

When leaving the house, even for a short period, leave the radio on low.

Consider lighting all entrances and “vandal-proof” fixtures.

Lock up any ladders or equipment that a thief may use to gain entrance.

Never leave a note on the door explaining why you are unable to come home.

When leaving the house, never leave any doors or windows unlocked.

Only put your last name on your mailbox or nameplate.

Pretend you are a burglar and walk outside to plot how you will get in to determine where locks should be installed on all doors and windows.

Keep automated garage door openers hidden.

Trim the plants around doors and windows to prevent an invader from concealing or climbing platforms.

Use a timer to turn on a living room light at dark, especially if you will be gone.

When you get home, keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary in your house. Do not enter if you suspect a break-in.

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