Close and lock garage doors and windows at all times.
Keep an eye out for odd activity. If you spot a stranger lurking in a neighbor’s yard, confirm their identification with your neighbor over the phone or call Taylor Police.
Be cautious while admitting strangers. Before opening the door, the identification of a salesman, public utility staff, and maintenance personnel must be checked.

Keep precious goods away from windows with open draperies.

Empty your mailbox or have it emptied for you.

Get to know your neighbors so you can keep an eye on each other’s houses.

Homeowners will be safer if they keep their properties from seeming to be easy targets. Use the following suggestions to make your house and property more secure:

If visibility of callers is difficult, install a wide-angle door viewer. It is too dangerous to open the door partially using a door chain.

When moving into a new apartment or a previously owned property, replace the locks.

Keep spare keys in a secure location; never leave a key outside.

Maintain a well-maintained and inhabited house by keeping the lawn trimmed, leaves raked, snow shoveled, and so on.

When leaving the house, even for a short period, leave the radio on low.

Consider lighting all entrances and “vandal-proof” fixtures.

Lock up any ladders or equipment that a thief may use to gain entrance.

Never leave a note on the door explaining why you are unable to come home.

When leaving the house, never leave any doors or windows unlocked.

Only put your last name on your mailbox or nameplate.

Pretend you are a burglar and walk outside to plot how you will get in to determine where locks should be installed on all doors and windows.

Keep automated garage door openers hidden.

Trim the plants around doors and windows to prevent an invader from concealing or climbing platforms.

Use a timer to turn on a living room light at dark, especially if you will be gone.

When you get home, keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary in your house. Do not enter if you suspect a break-in.